Ward Grand Slam

Most floors at the Royal Free have 4 wards arranged in a square and named based on the direction they face e.g. 8 North, 8 East, 8 South and 8 West. When I arrived for my transplant I was given a room on ward 10 East. After surgery I was in ICU on ward 4 South. From ICU I travelled back up the building to a room in 9 West. 9 North is the normal ward for liver transplant patients and I was moved there a few days before they let me go home. Having stayed on wards facing all 4 compass directions and done so in the correct order going round the compass, I have achieved what is known as the "Ward Grand Slam". As far as I know, I am the first and only person ever to claim this accolade. I am also the creator of this title and, until someone reads this post, the only person that even knows about it. I suspect the Royal Free will want to put a plaque up to commemorate my brilliance but my humility will cause me to turn down the request. All jokes aside, I cannot tell you how much pl...