Family Walk

I don't pretend to have many answers about the best or right ways to raise kids and share what you believe with them. How do you teach them those things that you believe without it becoming indoctrination? What I do know is that I don't want them to believe that God is just about handing out blessings and miraculously making everything perfect for us. I want to model to them trusting in God even when everything feels too much and God doesn't seem to be stepping in to sort it out. I absolutely wish that my kids didn't have to go through all they are dealing with on this transplant journey. I wish I could tell them that everything will be OK. But as we walk this path as a family there are some beautiful moments. Yesterday our church gave us some time to share what was going on and then a number of people gathered around us to pray. Our 10 year old joined us at the front and stood and hugged me while people prayed. She knows this is her story. It's her pain and sadness...